I was watching the Land O’Lakes Farm Bowl via the internet yesterday to see how the professional football players and farmers fared in this obstacle course
Have you given a farm tour at your dairy lately? Why or why not? I love having visitors at our farm and would give tours every day if I could. But, I know not everyone shares this same level of enthusiasm
Let mortality be a reminder to live and love fully. At the urging of a good friend, I started listening to podcasts while traveling. If you're looking for a way to make your next road trip thought-provoking...
Dairy farming can consume every minute of every day if you let it; don't forget to pursue your off-farm passions, too. A wise person once told me, "Be careful how you build your fortress, as you can create...
What can you learn while pushing up the feed? "Go push up the feed." Those were some of my least favorite words to hear as child growing up on a small dairy. I hated having to go push up the feed by hand,...
This isn't just my work; it's my passion. I recently saw a quote that really struck me and made me think about how lucky we are in the dairy industry. The things you are passionate about are not random,...
Custom hire is a smart business decision for our farm. While my husband and I milked our cows last night, a swather zipped through our fields, mowing down our first crop of alfalfa, along with the triticale...